default views
Jonathan Leybovich
2007-10-09 01:16:03 UTC

The proposed behavior of the flagged revision extension is to show the
last reviewed version only to anonymous users. I submit that this is
should be default behavior for ALL users (subject to personalization
settings override, I guess). The question here is not just of
vandalism control, but also of making Wikipedia's content creation
process more deliberative. The power to command an article's content
by submitting the last edit is an incentive not only for vandalism,
but also the sort of uncivil version contention that has long been
damaging the community's social fabric. In making the last reviewed
version of an article the default view for practically ALL users, we
remove the incentive for not just vandalism, but all sorts of unsocial
Luca de Alfaro
2007-10-09 02:58:00 UTC
I think most of you know more than I do about the dynamics of user
contributions to the Wikipedia, but I am seriously worried that showing
stable revisions, rather than the most up to date revisions, will change for
the worse how the Wikipedia evolves.

For one thing, this would delegate spam fighting almost entirely to a cadre
of editors: others, even though they are motivated contributors, would not
bother manually checking the latest page for every page they read, and thus,
they would not discover whether the latest page is altered. The "good
samaritan" phenomenon of people casually landing on a page, and fixing it,
would be much reduced.

I fear even the incentive to edit pages would be reduced. People are
motivated by instant gratification. Anonymous users, while they contribute
a lot of spam, contribute also the majority of the factual, correct, and
informative content of the Wikipedia (this is just a matter of statistics; I
could easily post statistical data on this). Already now, the experience of
an anonymous user contributing to the Wikipedia is not very positive: often,
well-intentioned contributors are reverted, rather than helped, because they
violate some style or convention or other thing they are not aware of. I
fear that if we introduce the extra step, that their contributions will be
put in a sandbox, maybe with many alternative versions by different users,
and no clear probability that their version will be at some point included,
we will provide a major discouragement for all those contributors.

Not all on-line communities are successful. The Wikipedia so far has been
wildly successful, and I am worried at the change of something as
fundamental as the principle of wikis: always show the last revision, make
it easier to undo spam than to do it, and trust that most people are
helpful. I am worried that the inflow of contributions, and especially, the
variety and background of contributors, will shrink significantly. I am
worried that dedicated contributors will continue to contribute, but the
casual users, experts of some domain, that so far have contributed a very
large proportion of the factual content of the Wikipedia, will withdraw.

Post by Jonathan Leybovich
The proposed behavior of the flagged revision extension is to show the
last reviewed version only to anonymous users. I submit that this is
should be default behavior for ALL users (subject to personalization
settings override, I guess). The question here is not just of
vandalism control, but also of making Wikipedia's content creation
process more deliberative. The power to command an article's content
by submitting the last edit is an incentive not only for vandalism,
but also the sort of uncivil version contention that has long been
damaging the community's social fabric. In making the last reviewed
version of an article the default view for practically ALL users, we
remove the incentive for not just vandalism, but all sorts of unsocial
Wikiquality-l mailing list
Aaron Schulz
2007-10-09 03:33:09 UTC
I don't think that is a good idea. It removes much of the editing incentive of getting an account and makes editing more tiresome for those who edit the most (users).

-Aaron Schulz
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 18:16:03 -0700
Subject: [Wikiquality-l] default views
The proposed behavior of the flagged revision extension is to show the
last reviewed version only to anonymous users. I submit that this is
should be default behavior for ALL users (subject to personalization
settings override, I guess). The question here is not just of
vandalism control, but also of making Wikipedia's content creation
process more deliberative. The power to command an article's content
by submitting the last edit is an incentive not only for vandalism,
but also the sort of uncivil version contention that has long been
damaging the community's social fabric. In making the last reviewed
version of an article the default view for practically ALL users, we
remove the incentive for not just vandalism, but all sorts of unsocial
Wikiquality-l mailing list
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Luca de Alfaro
2007-10-09 04:08:00 UTC
Users may do most of the editing in terms of number of edits, but original
information (even is misformatted) comes, right now, predominantly from
anonymous users. I believe that they will be disincentivated to edit, if
their edits won't be reflected immediately, and I think the process that has
made the Wikipedia so rich risks an abrupt slowing.

Post by Aaron Schulz
I don't think that is a good idea. It removes much of the editing
incentive of getting an account and makes editing more tiresome for those
who edit the most (users).
-Aaron Schulz
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 18:16:03 -0700
Subject: [Wikiquality-l] default views
The proposed behavior of the flagged revision extension is to show the
last reviewed version only to anonymous users. I submit that this is
should be default behavior for ALL users (subject to personalization
settings override, I guess). The question here is not just of
vandalism control, but also of making Wikipedia's content creation
process more deliberative. The power to command an article's content
by submitting the last edit is an incentive not only for vandalism,
but also the sort of uncivil version contention that has long been
damaging the community's social fabric. In making the last reviewed
version of an article the default view for practically ALL users, we
remove the incentive for not just vandalism, but all sorts of unsocial
Wikiquality-l mailing list
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Wikiquality-l mailing list
Gregory Maxwell
2007-10-09 04:18:54 UTC
Post by Luca de Alfaro
Users may do most of the editing in terms of number of edits, but original
information (even is misformatted) comes, right now, predominantly from
anonymous users.
I'd love to see a solid citation for that. I'm not disputing it but
I've seen the claim a lot and I'd love to be able to talk about that
matter in a more nuanced way than "less"/"more". For example, how does
the ratio differ for niche articles compared to more "core subjects"?
Post by Luca de Alfaro
I believe that they will be disincentivated to edit, if
their edits won't be reflected immediately, and I think the process that
has made the Wikipedia so rich risks an abrupt slowing.
I agree that this might be a possible outcome.

Why are people opposed to changing the software so that after an anon
edits he sees the most recent version of the article for the rest of
his browsing session?

I expect that for the vast majority of users that behavior would have
almost all the beneficial effects of the current instant-gratification
behavior, but without the negative impact to quality.

So long as the flag pushing tends to be faster than browser sessions
are long this would behave the same for the users as if their version
were approved right away.

I would hope that version flag pushing should be roughly as fast as
vandalism reversion, i.e. much faster than browsing session lifetimes.
But I only expect this to be true if the flagged version is the
default view, thus creating some urgency for flag pushing.

If flag pushing were somewhat too slow we could use longer lived
cookies, but there are performance implications (and workarounds) to
consider there.
Gregory Maxwell
2007-10-09 04:09:06 UTC
Post by Aaron Schulz
I don't think that is a good idea. It removes much of the editing incentive
of getting an account and makes editing more tiresome for those who edit the
most (users).
I don't agree.

I think that instead we should improve the interface and operation so
that it's not tiring for *anyone*. If there is a problem editing from
the flagged version then it should be fixed, not just left to only
impact people who will complain less.

One thing I've seen suggested is making anons always see the most
recent revision on articles they have recently edited (a session
length cookie could be used for tracking that). That idea could be
extended to logged in users and also be applied to pages which the
user has watchlisted. There should be no performance impact from
these because editing sets a session cookie already, and page loads
for logged in users already check watchlist status.

Doing this would do a lot to unify the view of Wikipedia for both
logged in logged out users even when there was widespread use of
Post by Aaron Schulz
I think most of you know more than I do about the dynamics of user
contributions to the Wikipedia, but I am seriously worried that showing
stable revisions
I too am worried: I am worried that people with long term histories of
categorical opposition to anything like stable versions might be
playing too much of a role in our implementation choices and we may
end up with a compromise system which combines all of the harms every
proposal and none of the charms.

We had a prior system for revision quality markup, "mark as
patrolled". The feature was considered a failure by many of our larger
communities. Many people, myself included, believe it failed because
marking a revision didn't accomplish anything useful so there was
little incentive for anyone do anything with it.

If we do not use the ability to show the flagged version by default, I
fear that the revision flagging will be little more than marked as
patrolled and as much of a failure.

But at the end we don't need to worry about the worries: Instead we
can simply use objective measurements. If we turn on users defaulting
to the flagged revisions on ten thousand well distributed articles, we
can then track the performance. We can measure the amount of editing
before and after, we can automagically or manually measure the amount
of vandalism, we can see how often readers are seeing a stale versions
and how stale.

There is no reason to be afraid, we can use data to illuminate the dark.

The aggressive debating over the supposed risks of this feature are
counter productive. None of us know what will happen because this is
new ground. All any of us can do is guess. It would be really
arrogant of us to think that we'll have it right at the first cut.

What we should be discussing is not how stable versions should be done
but rather we should be discussing how to *study* stable versions.

My preference for a more aggressive implementation comes not because I
think I have some magic understanding that proves everyone's worries
wrong, instead it comes from two factors. (1) A more substantial
change should produce results which are easier to measure. (2) I view
the more aggressive implementation is closer to the ideal from the
quality perspective and since we are trying to improve quality we
should probably start testing from the ideal and back off until we
remove the negative side effects.

So, how can we best study the results?
Erik Moeller
2007-10-09 16:11:12 UTC
Post by Gregory Maxwell
One thing I've seen suggested is making anons always see the most
recent revision on articles they have recently edited (a session
length cookie could be used for tracking that).
Usability wise that seems tricky. Imagine making an edit, then passing
the link on, only to find that both viewers see different things.
Also, one benefit of having a different default view is to
disincentivize vandalism -- if the user mistakenly _believes_ their
edit has taken effect, vandalism is not disincentivized.

Perhaps it is solvable with reasonably clear UI messages. But I'm not
sure a simple "Your edit has been submitted and will be shown to all
readers pending review" message isn't sufficient.
Post by Gregory Maxwell
But at the end we don't need to worry about the worries: Instead we
can simply use objective measurements. If we turn on users defaulting
to the flagged revisions on ten thousand well distributed articles, we
can then track the performance.
It would probably be least controversial to immediately do it on all
articles that are currently semi-protected. Can you quickly get the
number of those?

It would be slightly more controversial to do on the featured & good articles.
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Gregory Maxwell
2007-10-09 16:37:46 UTC
Post by Erik Moeller
Usability wise that seems tricky. Imagine making an edit, then passing
the link on, only to find that both viewers see different things.
That can mostly be resolved by sending the user to a static revision
url after saving, I suppose.

Since the pages can be changed users will either need to have some
awareness of the process or they will be confused. For example, their
change could be reverted or the purge could be missed causing their
anonymous browsing / cookieless friend to view a slightly stale page.

I just think it's better to make the possibly confusing cases as
infrequent as possible.
Post by Erik Moeller
Also, one benefit of having a different default view is to
disincentivize vandalism -- if the user mistakenly _believes_ their
edit has taken effect, vandalism is not disincentivized.
I'm not sure we understand the mechenism of vandalism well enough to
know without measement. Certantly expirenced/repeat/frequent vandals
will observe the futility, but I don't think we know what proportion
of vandals fit that profile.
Post by Erik Moeller
Perhaps it is solvable with reasonably clear UI messages. But I'm not
sure a simple "Your edit has been submitted and will be shown to all
readers pending review" message isn't sufficient.
I think it might be, but really we're just guessing.
Post by Erik Moeller
Post by Gregory Maxwell
But at the end we don't need to worry about the worries: Instead we
can simply use objective measurements. If we turn on users defaulting
to the flagged revisions on ten thousand well distributed articles, we
can then track the performance.
It would probably be least controversial to immediately do it on all
articles that are currently semi-protected. Can you quickly get the
number of those?
I agree that semied pages are probably uncontroversial.

But they are not as useful for some sorts of measurments because we
won't be able to measure how much default sighted slows editing. There
also aren't very many of them.

Protection settings according to toolserver (enwp data is two weeks old):

project page restrictions number of NS0 non-redirect pages
| enwiki | | 2026122 |
| enwiki | move=:edit= | 999 |
| enwiki | edit=autoconfirmed:move=autoconfirmed | 196 |
| enwiki | move=sysop | 97 |
| enwiki | edit=autoconfirmed:move=sysop | 17 |
| enwiki | edit=sysop:move=sysop | 6 |
| enwiki | move=autoconfirmed | 5 |

| dewiki | | 658385 |
| dewiki | edit=autoconfirmed:move=autoconfirmed | 1937 |
| dewiki | move=:edit= | 607 |
| dewiki | move=sysop | 75 |
| dewiki | edit=sysop:move=sysop | 13 |
| dewiki | edit=autoconfirmed:move=sysop | 10 |
| dewiki | move=autoconfirmed | 4 |
| dewiki | move=sysop:edit=sysop | 2 |
Post by Erik Moeller
It would be slightly more controversial to do on the featured & good articles.
In addition to any large classes, I think it would be useful to also
apply it to some number of pages quasi-randomly selected. Probably
something around 10000 pages would make sense. We could set a study
end date and undo the setting at that point and also gather data on
page activity after the change is removed.
2007-10-09 16:59:03 UTC
Post by Gregory Maxwell
In addition to any large classes, I think it would be useful to also
apply it to some number of pages quasi-randomly selected. Probably
something around 10000 pages would make sense. We could set a study
end date and undo the setting at that point and also gather data on
page activity after the change is removed.
10000 isn't enough to prevent one determined person messing with the results.
Aaron Schulz
2007-10-09 17:25:45 UTC
I may be able to use a similar hook call like a function in flaggedrevs now to make it so that when a user edits a page where the stable is the default, it redirects them to the page with the stable=0 url, so that they can see their edits, rather than the stable version.

-Aaron Schulz
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 12:37:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [Wikiquality-l] default views
Post by Erik Moeller
Usability wise that seems tricky. Imagine making an edit, then passing
the link on, only to find that both viewers see different things.
That can mostly be resolved by sending the user to a static revision
url after saving, I suppose.
Since the pages can be changed users will either need to have some
awareness of the process or they will be confused. For example, their
change could be reverted or the purge could be missed causing their
anonymous browsing / cookieless friend to view a slightly stale page.
I just think it's better to make the possibly confusing cases as
infrequent as possible.
Post by Erik Moeller
Also, one benefit of having a different default view is to
disincentivize vandalism -- if the user mistakenly _believes_ their
edit has taken effect, vandalism is not disincentivized.
I'm not sure we understand the mechenism of vandalism well enough to
know without measement. Certantly expirenced/repeat/frequent vandals
will observe the futility, but I don't think we know what proportion
of vandals fit that profile.
Post by Erik Moeller
Perhaps it is solvable with reasonably clear UI messages. But I'm not
sure a simple "Your edit has been submitted and will be shown to all
readers pending review" message isn't sufficient.
I think it might be, but really we're just guessing.
Post by Erik Moeller
Post by Gregory Maxwell
But at the end we don't need to worry about the worries: Instead we
can simply use objective measurements. If we turn on users defaulting
to the flagged revisions on ten thousand well distributed articles, we
can then track the performance.
It would probably be least controversial to immediately do it on all
articles that are currently semi-protected. Can you quickly get the
number of those?
I agree that semied pages are probably uncontroversial.
But they are not as useful for some sorts of measurments because we
won't be able to measure how much default sighted slows editing. There
also aren't very many of them.
project page restrictions number of NS0 non-redirect pages
| enwiki | | 2026122 |
| enwiki | move=:edit= | 999 |
| enwiki | edit=autoconfirmed:move=autoconfirmed | 196 |
| enwiki | move=sysop | 97 |
| enwiki | edit=autoconfirmed:move=sysop | 17 |
| enwiki | edit=sysop:move=sysop | 6 |
| enwiki | move=autoconfirmed | 5 |
| dewiki | | 658385 |
| dewiki | edit=autoconfirmed:move=autoconfirmed | 1937 |
| dewiki | move=:edit= | 607 |
| dewiki | move=sysop | 75 |
| dewiki | edit=sysop:move=sysop | 13 |
| dewiki | edit=autoconfirmed:move=sysop | 10 |
| dewiki | move=autoconfirmed | 4 |
| dewiki | move=sysop:edit=sysop | 2 |
Post by Erik Moeller
It would be slightly more controversial to do on the featured & good articles.
In addition to any large classes, I think it would be useful to also
apply it to some number of pages quasi-randomly selected. Probably
something around 10000 pages would make sense. We could set a study
end date and undo the setting at that point and also gather data on
page activity after the change is removed.
Wikiquality-l mailing list
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R. S. Shaw
2007-10-09 20:59:45 UTC
Post by Aaron Schulz
I may be able to use a similar hook call like a function in flaggedrevs now to make it so that when a user edits a page where the stable is the default, it redirects them to the page with the stable=0 url, so that they can see their edits, rather than the stable version.
Yes, it seems fairly important that when an anon "edit draft"'s a page which has Default:Stable that after Submit he is directed to the current version (which he just created). This is (1) less confusing since he expects to see the change he just made, (2) useful since he may look over what he did and see it needs expansion or correction.
David Goodman
2007-10-10 13:48:40 UTC
A good suggestion. I don't see how anons would have much incentive to
edit usefully otherwise.
Post by R. S. Shaw
Post by Aaron Schulz
I may be able to use a similar hook call like a function in flaggedrevs now to make it so that when a user edits a page where the stable is the default, it redirects them to the page with the stable=0 url, so that they can see their edits, rather than the stable version.
Yes, it seems fairly important that when an anon "edit draft"'s a page which has Default:Stable that after Submit he is directed to the current version (which he just created). This is (1) less confusing since he expects to see the change he just made, (2) useful since he may look over what he did and see it needs expansion or correction.
Wikiquality-l mailing list
David Goodman, Ph.D, M.L.S.
P. Birken
2007-10-10 17:45:43 UTC
I also heartily support this. In particular inexperienced users often
need several edits to make their intended contribution. If the
software factually prevents them doing so, then we are raising the bar
too high. And I also think that this ranks higher than a possible
disincentive to vandals.


Post by David Goodman
A good suggestion. I don't see how anons would have much incentive to
edit usefully otherwise.
Post by R. S. Shaw
Post by Aaron Schulz
I may be able to use a similar hook call like a function in flaggedrevs now to make it so that when a user edits a page where the stable is the default, it redirects them to the page with the stable=0 url, so that they can see their edits, rather than the stable version.
Yes, it seems fairly important that when an anon "edit draft"'s a page which has Default:Stable that after Submit he is directed to the current version (which he just created). This is (1) less confusing since he expects to see the change he just made, (2) useful since he may look over what he did and see it needs expansion or correction.
Wikiquality-l mailing list
David Goodman, Ph.D, M.L.S.
Wikiquality-l mailing list
Jonathan Leybovich
2007-10-10 04:39:57 UTC
Post by Luca de Alfaro
For one thing, this would delegate spam fighting almost entirely to a cadre
of editors: others, even though they are motivated contributors, would not
bother manually checking the latest page for every page they read, and thus,
they would not discover whether the latest page is altered. The "good
samaritan" phenomenon of people casually landing on a page, and fixing it,
would be much reduced.
This is a circular argument, though :-) , as the current last
edit/default view policy is what makes things such as link-spamming
effective. And while I agree discouraging casual contributions is a
very important concern, one could also play devil's advocate and point
out its drawbacks, particularly the accretion of small nibblets of
information on an article until whatever style it once had is ruined.

But in any case I completely agree that more data is needed, and very
likely different policies may be warranted across different Wikipedias
(or within the same Wikipedia at different stages of its development).
Here are some possible determinants of when an article's default view
should be its last flagged revision, which lend themselves naturally
to configuration options on the extension:

* after an article has been featured
* after an article has accumulated X # of stable revisions
* if an article is in a poorly covered category (this option should
support recursive flagging down the category tree)

More determinants can probably be suggested or uncovered after the
extension has been deployed.
Luca de Alfaro
2007-10-10 16:29:46 UTC
To discourage link-spamming, one way could be:

- Have a notion of stable revisions, either marked by hand, or in the future
I hope via a collaboration of hand marking and trust (algorithmic marking).

- Sell to search engines a stable revision feed. I believe that search
engines would much rather index stable revisions of articles, and they would
be willing to pay for it, giving the visibility of the Wikipedia as a search

The advantages of this scheme are:

- Link spamming becomes useless
- We raise money
- We can continue to present visitors the latest version whenever we feel
this is appropriate for the Wikipedia evolution, without regards to spammer


This is a circular argument, though :-) , as the current last
Post by Jonathan Leybovich
edit/default view policy is what makes things such as link-spamming
Gregory Maxwell
2007-10-10 17:28:01 UTC
Post by Luca de Alfaro
- Link spamming becomes useless

Why do you expect that the not vandalized flag would have any impact
on link quality?

I have seen no evidence to suggest that we have a real amount of
people trying to benefit from putting links in quickly in a race with
the vandalism reverting. .. at least not any more. The link insertion
captchas, blocking, and Wikimedia SBL appear to have stopped that
kind of behavior very effectively.

Our external links are already no-followed which dampens the ability
of marketers to use Wikipedia in order to influence their search
position. As such, giving flagged revisions to search engines should
have no effect with respect to linking, unless we also stopped using
no-follow in which case it would only increase the value of links
placed in Wikipedia.

On English Wikipedia, unscrupulous marketers seem to be work more
frequently by taking advantage of our lack of editorial oversight on
links (which measurable by the high durability of obviously broken
links) and our huge amount of traffic to bring in actual eyeballs.
For this what we send to the search engine is irrelevant.