Usability Points
P. Birken
2007-08-16 15:04:51 UTC

I'm not sure about two issues.

1) In the box used for reviewing, a checkbox for watching the page is
provided. I'm not sure we need that in the box in the first place, but
at least it should swap places with the comment box, since the comment
box belongs functionally to the upper part of the box.

2) I'm also not convinced about the usefuleness of the "stable
version" button next to the article button. This is what the GUI also
does and therefore, users have two ways of doing stuff, whereas both
GUIs are more powerful. Shouldn't we remove that button? Also, the
number of buttons has become quite large already, in particular for
users with a lot of rights?


P. Birken
2007-08-17 14:00:59 UTC
Thanks for the quick hack, Aaron! I came upon a second point that
might make life easier for most of the users.

Those that have only editor and not reviewer rights essentially don't
need the possibility to comment why they flagged a page as sighted.
There shouldn't be much to discuss about this, anyhow and would result
in smoother workflow for editors. This is not the case for actual
reviews. Therefore, I think that only reviewers should see the comment
box. Or, which sounds also nice: nobody sees the comment box at first,
but if a reviewer rates an article for more than sighted, a box
appears (similar to a delete-action), where he can write a comment. In
particular, we could provide reviewers with a larger comment box than


Aaron Schulz
2007-08-17 18:22:40 UTC
Yeah, I was thinking about cutting that for a while. Note that there *is* a
large comment box, but it is disabled by default (and is for all
reviewer/editors when on). Also it shows on the bottom of pages when on.

The automatic [x=a,y=b] stuff in the comment can be kind of long, so I don't
want long log comments though. So I may just disable comments for editors
for now, as it does simplify the form.

-Aaron Schulz
Subject: Re: [Wikiquality-l] Usability Points
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 16:00:59 +0200
Thanks for the quick hack, Aaron! I came upon a second point that
might make life easier for most of the users.
Those that have only editor and not reviewer rights essentially don't
need the possibility to comment why they flagged a page as sighted.
There shouldn't be much to discuss about this, anyhow and would result
in smoother workflow for editors. This is not the case for actual
reviews. Therefore, I think that only reviewers should see the comment
box. Or, which sounds also nice: nobody sees the comment box at first,
but if a reviewer rates an article for more than sighted, a box
appears (similar to a delete-action), where he can write a comment. In
particular, we could provide reviewers with a larger comment box than
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P. Birken
2007-09-08 13:52:42 UTC
I found one more thing:

currently, it is not possible to flag an edit when editing, except
when it gets flagged automatically, which makes life very complicated.

I think the most useful way would be to provide a third checkbox to
surveyors labeled "Sight edit" that allows them to sight their own
edit. This would then flag the version with the minimum requirement
for sighted. To avoid mistaked, this should only be possible when
editing the whole page, not for section edits.

Technically this could again be done like the automatied flagging:
first saving, then parsing the saved version.


