quality.wikipedia.org draft
Erik Moeller
2007-04-23 07:51:12 UTC
For those not on internal, just a heads up. I'll send a copy of the
page later after some more eyeballs have looked over it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Moeller <erik-***@public.gmane.org>
Date: Apr 23, 2007 9:40 AM
Subject: quality.wikipedia.org draft
To: "Local Chapters, board and officers coordination (closed
subscription)" <internal-l-RusutVdil2icGmH+5r0DM0B+***@public.gmane.org>

I've put up a draft for a page which I think we ought to launch with
much fanfare at quality.wikipedia.org soon:


In this, I implicitly propose the creation of a "quality assurance
fund" people could donate to. This would be the first example of a
restricted fundraising campaign; I hereby invite feedback about it. I
think we should budget for quality tech, generally, so I do not think
that having a restricted fund for it would pose any issues.
Implementation-wise, it could perhaps be done using a filter on
donation comments, at least for PayPal.

Another implicit assumption is that we will refactor all the
quality-related pages on Meta into a nice newbie-friendly overview; I
welcome anyone to take the lead on this.

Feel free to edit the page. I think it ought to be more visually
appealing as well, perhaps with a photo (Jimmy or Florence).

In terms of "What you can do" steps, I still think it would be pretty
cool to provide a simple method for experts and other readers to
submit quality reviews of Wikipedia articles, with a radiobutton
( ) submit review publicly
( ) submit review privately
where the private submissions would go into OTRS, and the public ones
onto the talk page. Doesn't seem too hard to do, and might get us
useful feedback.

Peace & Love,

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"An old, rigid civilization is reluctantly dying. Something new, open,
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Peace & Love,

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the Wikimedia Foundation or its Board of Trustees.

"An old, rigid civilization is reluctantly dying. Something new, open,
free and exciting is waking up." -- Ming the Mechanic